
We love our volunteers!

This year we are excited to announce some very cool prizes for our volunteers made possible by our  Volunteer Sponsor, Sportsman & Ski Haus (formerly Tri-State Outfitters). All volunteers are invited to sign-up for the free raffle with prizes to be given away at our awards ceremony on race day. You need not be present to win but you must fill out a raffle ticket and drop it in the entry box by the bandshell.

This year’s prizes are: 

  • to be announced

This event depends on more than 75 volunteers to ensure a successful, safe and exciting experience for participants. We invite you to come and share the fun… the inspiration… and the hope for every athlete! If you are not familiar with the volunteer opportunities available, I encourage you to read through the different areas below.

Our volunteer sign-up process is facilitated by raceroster.com. There, you’ll be asked to create an account and select the positions you want to volunteer for, much in the same way you would purchase a product. Of course, you will not actually be purchasing anything; it’s just the easiest way for us to collect your information. Thanks for being a volunteer!

Race Director – Rob Liddicoat – info@cdatri.com





Volunteer Areas

Bike Course Pointer
This position will be for one volunteer per location. Volunteer must be 18 or older. You will be placed along the bike route “pointing” the athete in the correct direction. This is not a closed race route; there will be vehicles on most of the route, so you need to be aware of traffic. This is a low key and fairly easy position. Your specific location and details will be provided.
Run Course Pointer
This position will be for one volunteer per location. Volunteer must be 18 or older. You will be placed along the run route “pointing” the athete in the correct direction. This is not a closed race route; there will be vehicles on most of the route, so you need to be aware of traffic. This is a low key and fairly easy position. Your specific location and details will be provided.


Athlete Registration Tent
Volunteers will be responsible for checking in and providing information to athletes. This shift will be on Friday, August 11, 2023 from 2:30pm – 7:00pm.
Water Station #1
Contact Robert Liddicoat, Race Director, cdatriathlon20@gmail.com
Water Station #2
Contact Robert Liddicoat, Race Director, cdatriathlon20@gmail.com


Transition Area Shift 1
Contact Robert Liddicoat, Race Director, cdatriathlon20@gmail.com
Transition Area Shift 2
Contact Robert Liddicoat, Race Director, cdatriathlon20@gmail.com
Swim Course Aides
Contact Robert Liddicoat, Race Director, cdatriathlon20@gmail.com


Body Marking
Contact Robert Liddicoat, Race Director, cdatriathlon20@gmail.com
Late Packet Pickup / Timing Chips
Shift Time: 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM on
Saturday, August 12, 2023 @ CdA City Park Band shell. Volunteers will distribute timing chips and late packets to athletes.
Motorcycle Escorts
Contact Robert Liddicoat, Race Director, cdatriathlon20@gmail.com